

Through photographs, moving graphics, and music, viewers have an opportunity to trace the journey of a family during the catastrophic events of displacement on a path to sanctuary.

The Project: Sanctuary & Sustenance
Through photographs, moving graphics, and music, viewers have an opportunity to trace the journey of a family during the catastrophic events of displacement, on a path to sanctuary, and through the long process of rebuilding life in a new community. Sanctuary & Sustenance aims to raise the public consciousness of these issues to a wide variety of people, and spark conversations about our collective responsibility to welcome refugees and encourage policy makers to act in favor of fundamental human rights for refugees and asylum seekers.

Client: ART WORKS Projects

Produced by: ART WORKS Projects
Editor: Maren Wickwire
Video and Graphic by: Maren Wickwire
Directed by Leslie Thomas and Maren Wickwire
Music by Osvaldo Golijov
Lee Maddeford and Roland Vouilloz
Jonathan Wiest

We are grateful for the support provided by:
The Frankel Family Foundation